GENI Education @ SIGCSE


GENI in Your Classroom

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Date/Time: Wednesday, March 4, 8:30am-12:00pm

Where: 2503A

Cost: None

Max Participants: 35

GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovations) is a nationwide suite of infrastructure supporting “at scale” research in networking, distributed systems, security, and novel applications. It is supported by the National Science Foundation, and available without charge for research and classroom use. In the past few years, there have been GENI projects specifically focused on creating and disseminating curricular material for use in the classroom, using GENI infrastructure to teach concepts in networking, distributed systems, and security.

GENI is a networked federation of multiple testbeds that form a large-scale distributed testbed that you can use in a classroom or in tutorials to teach students networking and distributed system concepts. If you want to either use GENI in your class, or you would like to do a GENI tutorial, this SIGCSE event will help you incorporate freely available GENI teaching resources into your existing curriculum. For examples, you can view some of our GENI project modules at:

This half-day event will bring together educators who are interested in using such curricular material, introduce them to GENI, help them with knowledge of the GENI resources, and then assist them in figuring out which material they may use in their existing courses and how to incorporate that material.

To register for this eventRegistration
